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Stop Motion I Animation
Nancy: Final Puppet Fabrication
Silicone puppet with hand-painted plastic heads, swappable facial features, and hand-sewn fabric clothes
Mechanical Drawings
Clay was used to pour a two-sided plaster mold of the body.
Armature was registered to fit into mold and painted to match the skin tone.
Shoe-colored silicone was painted into mold before skin-colored silicone was injected.
Head mold was created with silicone and heads were cast in liquid plastic. Epoxy putty was sculpted over each face to create unique eyebrow shapes before the heads were painted.
Facial features were sculpted in epoxy putty and painted. They are attached and moved with museum wax, allowing for interchangeable facial expressions between heads.
Mock clothes and patterns were created in preparation to create the final shirt, skirt, and socks. The pieces were hemmed and sewn onto the puppet.
Motion Test for Final Animation
Puppet was attached to fly rig for stability while animating. Tennis ball was rigged with armature wire to a bolt.
Set fabricated with cardboard, pom poms, felt, and paint.
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